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Grief....death, divorce and more

When we talk about grief we often talk about death and loss. That is what we have been programmed to allow ourselves to grieve for. I'm here to tell you that death is not the only experience we go through that evokes those feelings that we associate with or call grief.


When I talk about grief I define it as the big emotions that come from the loss of time or expectations. When we talk about it in that way it means that there are a whole range of experiences that we are allowed to grieve in life.


Imagine allowing yourself the time and space to grieve divorce, job loss, parenting stages, diagnosis for yourself or someone significant in your life, miscarriage, not being able to have children, moving, severed family relationships or friendships and so much more. If we can give ourselves permission to grieve the experiences and circumstances that have brought about a loss of time or expectations would that make a difference in the way that you move forwrad from them?

Grief Toolbox

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Grief Toolbox Coaching

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Grief Workshop


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